Ballina Girls 29.05.18 – trike tour Sydney girls weekend away

Our first Harley ride! Wow what a fabulous awesome experience we had the best ride and had the best weather . Brownie n Syl were awesome and got our adrenaline rush going.
Thank You Troll Tours we had the best time.

The 4 ladies were from Ballina on the north coast of NSW. They did a trike tour Sydney girls weekend away to shake up Sydney. They loved it. Brownie and Syl picked them up from their hotel and took them on the Eastern Panorama tour. This tour shows our passengers around Sydney Harbour, through the Botanical Gardens which has Government house situated in it. A fantastic view of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge will be found from the point near where Mrs Macquaries Chair is.

Travel through Woolloomooloo, up to infamous Kings Cross, along the posh Eastern Suburbs and then we arrive at the world famous Bondi Beach. You will have a fantastic view from the back of the trike or Harley. We wander along the beach front where you will be momentarily as famous as the beach itself when all passersby can’t help but look at you. Doing a trike tour Sydney girls weekend away was a great idea and a fun experience.