Mead Family 12.06.18 – Harley Tour while holidaying in Sydney

Our passengers are from the USA and wanted to do a Harley Tour while holidaying in Sydney. They were in Sydney for only a few days so thought a tour would be exciting and educational, they would also see a lot of Sydney in a short time frame. It was true. Our four Harley riders picked them up from their hotel and took them on our Eastern Panorama tour with a difference – it took in more of the eastern suburbs than usual (didn’t go over the Harbour Bridge). This tour took in Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross, Paddington, Bronte, Tamarama, Bondi, Rose Bay, Double Bay, Rushcutters Bay and finished  at the QVB.

They had such a great experience and we may be biased but a Harley Tour while holidaying in Sydney really is a fun thing to do.