Tina 29.06.18 – Harley tour Sydney orientation

Hi Katrina

I’m happy for you to post a photo. I had a great time and Jungle George was the best . Happy to write positive review as well.

Tina is in Sydney for a couple of days while her husband works, they are from Melbourne and she didn’t know Sydney at all. She was trying to get her bearings so on the second day her husband said “try it on a Harley”. She thought he knew someone but no, go with a professional company. Jungle turned up on his Harley and to give her an idea of Sydney, he did the Harley tour Sydney orientation – over the 3 Bridges and around the city. This meant Tina got an overview of the city, the north side and the inner west – most places that visitors to the city don’t see.

Tina loved the view from the Gladesville Bridge over the entire city, it’s one of our faves also. It was a great suggestion of her husband and now she has a better idea of Sydney and its layout.