Mel + Sally 04.07.18 – holiday trike tour Sydney

Mel and Sally decided to do a holiday trike tour Sydney. They came down from Qld to see Sydney for a few days. They decided to take the Troll experience and loved every minute. The Sydney traffic was very light today so we were able to squeeze in some more sights. Doing a tour definitely helps you see more of Sydney in a shorter time frame but on the back of the Harley you’ll see things you wouldn’t see in a car or bus. You’ll also feel the breeze on your face and the freedom of being on a Harley.

Brownie drove them over the Sydney Harbour Bridge to Blues Point. Then around the Royal Botanical Gardens with a stop at the famous Harry’s Cafe De Wheels. It is school holidays in NSW now so the traffic is lighter and you’ll probably get to see more sights than is on the tour description.