100 year old birthday – Joyce 18.11.23

The 100 year old birthday trike rides were heaps of fun.

The 100 year old birthday trike tour was organised by Joyce’s grandson. Originally they were going from Wilberforce, (65 km NW of Sydney city), to Glenorie (45 km NW of Sydney). It was from home to the birthday party, however the venue would not allow any type of motorcycle in it’s grounds. So the trike tour was postponed for another day.

Finally, the new date came along. This time there was a group of seven people so our rider took them all, on shorter rides. Starting from a place in Wilberforce, they rode to the Sackville Ferry and long Putty Road and back to pick up.


Wilberforce is an historic Macquarie Town on the fertile Hawkesbury River floodplain.

In 1810 Governor Lachlan Macquarie, having created the five Macquarie towns, explained “on the North or left Bank of the Hawkesbury, I have named Wilberforce – in honor of and out of respect to the good and virtuous Wm. Wilberforce Esqr. M.P. – a true Patriot and the real Friend of Mankind …”

In 1810 Governor Lachlan Macquarie having taken a party and explored around the rich floodplains of the Hawkesbury River valley, decided to establish five towns. They all have so much history and are very scenic as well.

Sackville Ferry

They stopped at the Sackville Ferry for a look at the Hawkesbury River. The Hawkesbury River and its associated main tributary, the Nepean River, almost encircle the metropolitan region of Sydney.

So far, the 100 year old birthday trike ride was fun and interesting.

A ferry has crossed the Hawkesbury River at Sackville since about 1870 when a hand operated punt was installed to haul one vehicle or several passengers across the river at a time. The motor driven cable ferries date from 1930s and have been upgraded several times over the years.

Land for the wharf was resumed and gazetted in January 1887. The wharf was used by steam powered vessels which plied the river system taking produce to the Sydney markets and serving the communities along the river with goods and services.

Putty Road

Putty Road is a 168 km rural road that links the Hunter Region to Wilberforce. Craig rode along the last 10 km of it and back into Wilberforce.

In conclusion, the 100 year old birthday short trike tours were a success. A great way to celebrate a special birthday (or any birthday actually).


Hi Katrina,

Craig was great. He was gentle and patient with our Birthday girl. She absolutely loved it.

As for the photos, I think the one with the Birthday girl on her own will be fine.

Thanks again for organising.


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