Troll and his trike were waiting all day under this sign and no one came for a kiss and a Troll Tours Harley ride. 🙁
We are joking but it’s a good sign and a talking point. This particular sign is at Blues Point on the northern side of the Harbour Bridge. It’s one of the most popular stops for our trikes and Harleys as there is a wonderful view towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

There are other hidden parts of Sydney in this area with great views over the Harbour. Most people don’t even know they exist. I have lived in Sydney all my life (though in different areas) and until Troll took me on a sightseeing trike ride, I didn’t know these places existed. Troll and all our other Harley riders know these areas and can show you too!

Christmas on a Harley Trike ride, or a Harley motorcycle tour: Christmas presents – what do you get someone (or more than one) who has everything? You give them a unique gift from Troll Tours – our Gift Vouchers are valid for 12 months so there is plenty of time to use them. Our passengers are equally locals, interstate visitors and tourists from overseas. We cater for everyone whether it is on a Harley or on a trike. Each trike can hold up to 3 passengers so everyone can have a chat while enjoying the ride.

Pick a ride from our suggestions or choose a time frame, so when the gift voucher receipient contacts us, they can choose where we take them. It could be popular  Eastern Sydney Panorama – including Bondi, The Beach Beauty – including Palm Beach or further afield to include the Blue Mountains with its scenic views of The Three Sisters.

The Trolls are taking over Sydney! Troll’s mate has arrived for a permanent holiday in Annandale. He is living under the light rail bridge at the corner of Johnston Road and the Crescent. Can you see the family resemblance? He wants to go on a tour but unfortunately he doesn’t fit on the Harley or trike. Thanks to the Guerilla Gardeners of Channel 10, we need more company as we are a rare species!

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