Harley and trike tour – Kallipolitis family 23.12.20

Stacey wrote asking about a Harley and trike tour for her husband’s 40th birthday. Absolutely we can organise a tour for the four of you. There are 2 adults and 2 children which meant we could put 3 on the trike and her husband on the Harley. The kids are 6 and 9 so too young to go on a Harley. It;s fun sitting on a trike anyway, as you can talk to each other.

Royal Botanical Gardens

Our trike rider craig and our Harley rider Jungle, picked the passengers up from their hotel. Firstly, they rode through the city and past the Royal Botanical Gardens. This are has beautiful views looking west towards the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Mrs Macquarie’s Chair

Then they rode past Mrs Macquarie’s Chair. Mrs Macquarie’s Chair is an exposed sandstone rock cut into the shape of a bench, on a peninsula in Sydney Harbour. It was hand carved by convicts in 1810, for Elizabeth Macquarie, the wife of Major-General Lachlan Macquarie, Governor of NSW. So far, the Harley and trike tour was a lot of fun!

the infamous Kings Cross

Continuing on, they rode through Woolloomoolloo and past the famous Harry Cafe De Wheels. Next, it was up the hill, through Potts Point and into the infamous Kings Cross, though it has calmed down a lot since it’s heyday.

Bondi Beach

Past the posh eastern suburbs of Sydney, including the Bays: Rose Bay, Double Bay and Rushcutters Bay. Next the riders stopped at North Bondi Beach for photos and so our passengers can have a proper look at one of the most famous beaches in the world.

If there is time we drive through Centennial Park. Originally a swamp and then set aside as land for the water source for Sydney, Centennial Park was reconstructed as a public park and opened in 1888. However, the hour was nearly up so our riders drove thought the city and to the drop off point. Our passengers were then able to continue exploring our wonderful city of Sydney. In conclusion, the Harley and trike tour was a huge success. A very memorable 40th birthday! They ended up having so much fun we gave them extra time.

An interesting article about the architecture in Sam Fiszman Memorial Park: https://architectureau.com/articles/sam-fiszman-park/