The Gap Sydney NSW – Part 2

Following on from Part #1 : The Gap, Sydney NSW


The Gap is also infamous for suicides and accidental deaths.

The tall cliffs have made it a location for those wishing to end their lives. The Tasman Sea is the body of water here, east of Sydney and all the way to New Zealand. Between 2008 and 2011 numerous measures have been implemented to dissuade those at risk of suicide, these include security cameras to monitor the area, several purpose-built Lifeline counselling phone booths, and information boards from the Black Dog Institute and Beyondblue. An inward-leaning fence has also been erected to deter people from jumping. The Gap, Sydney NSW is a seriously interesting place.

William Albert Swivell

On the afternoon of 20 April 1936, noted Australian diarist Meta Truscott recorded how she and her uncle, Christopher Dunne, witnessed a suicide at The Gap. By chance, the pair shared a bench with a well-dressed, middle-aged man who was later identified as William Albert Swivell. As the three watched a ship sail through the Sydney Heads, her uncle asked the man if he knew its name, to which Swivell replied, “The Nieuw Holland.” Soon afterwards, the smartly-dressed man stood up and walked away; he climbed to the top of the cliff and jumped to his death.

Caroline Byrne

Feeling old! We remember this one – in June 1995, a 24-year-old model, Caroline Byrne, fell to her death at The Gap. Due to the notoriety of the area, police did not initially suspect foul play. However, in 2008, her then-boyfriend was convicted of pushing her over the edge, but in February 2012, he was acquitted of her murder on appeal.

Charmaine Dragun

We remember this one – it’s so sad. In November 2007, Charmaine Dragun, a 29-year-old newsreader who worked for 10 News First, jumped from The Gap after battling depression and anorexia.

In conclusion, Troll Tours finds The Gap, Sydney NSW very interesting. We love taking our passengers here, to show them the view and to tell them the haunting history.

Photo by ConstantZero